Hearing Transcripts API


Most Assembly hearings are not available at this time.

Get a single Hearing


Retrieve hearing by id or filename

(GET) /api/3/hearings/{id}
(GET) /api/3/hearings/{filename}


Request hearing 5


Request hearing “10-29-13 NYsenate_Flanagan_Education_FINAL.txt”

/api/3/hearings/10-29-13 NYsenate_Flanagan_Education_FINAL.txt


Full Hearing Response

  "success" : true,                               // Indicates if a hearing was found.
  "message" : "Data for hearing 10-29..",  // Response description
  "responseType" : "hearing",                     // Response data type
  "result" : {
    "id": 179
    "filename" : "10-29-13 NYsenate_Flanagan..",  // Filename of hearing transcript
    "title" : "PUBLIC HEARING THE REGENTS RE..",  // Title of hearing
    "date" : "2013-10-29",                        // Date of hearing
    "address" : "Senate Hearing Room\n250 Br..",  // Address of hearing
    "committees" : [ {                            // List of committees/task forces/other groups holding the hearing
      "name" : "EDUCATION",                       // Name of committee/task force/other group
      "type" : "COMMITTEE"                        // Type of group, committee/task force/legislative commission/etc
      "chamber" : "SENATE"                        // Chamber of committee
    } ],
    "startTime" : "10:00",                        // Time the hearing started
    "endTime" : "14:00",                          // Time the hearing ended
    "text" : "\n\n\n       1     BEFORE THE NE.." // The text of the hearing

Get a hearing pdf


Retrieve hearing pdf by id or filename

(GET) /api/3/hearings/{id}.pdf
(GET) /api/3/hearings/{filename}.pdf


Request hearing 09-12-13 NYSsenate_DeFrancisco_Buffalo_FINAL.txt

/api/3/hearings/09-12-13 NYSsenate_DeFrancisco_Buffalo_FINAL.txt.pdf

Get a list of hearings


List hearings within a year

(GET) /api/3/hearings/{year}

Optional Params


List 50 hearings from 2014


List 50 complete hearings starting from 51


List 10 complete hearings sorted by increasing date



  "success" : true,                               // True if request was fine.
  "message" : "",
  "responseType" : "hearing-id list",
  "total" : 451,                                  // Total hearings in the listing
  "offsetStart" : 1,                              // Offset value
  "offsetEnd" : 0,                                // To paginate, set query param offset = {offsetEnd + 1}
  "limit" : 10,                                   // Max number of results to show
  "result" : {
    "items": [{ ... }],                           // Array of hearing responses
    "size": 10