**Senate Committee API** ================= In OpenLegislation, committee data is processed in a way that tracks the membership of each committee over time. Committees are stored as committee versions, each of which represent a time period where there were no changes in committee membership for a specific committee. Committee versions contain a list of members in the committee, information on where and when the committee meets, and the dates when the committee version began and was reformed. Get a current committee version ------------------------------- .. note:: Assembly committee data is currently not sent to us at this time. chamber must be 'senate'. **Usage** :: /api/3/committees/{session}/{chamber}/{committeeName} **Example** :: /api/3/committees/2013/senate/Cultural%20Affairs,%20Tourism,%20Parks%20and%20Recreation (Get the current version of the Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Parks and Recreation committee) **Sample Response** See `committee version response`_ Get a committee version at specific time ---------------------------------------- This request will return a committee version (if one exists) corresponding to the given committee that was created before or on the given time and reformed after the given time. **Usage** :: /api/3/committees/{session}/{chamber}/{committeeName}/{ISODateTime} **Example** :: /api/3/committees/2013/senate/Finance/2014-03-01T09:30:00 (Get the codes committee at 9:30 AM on March 1st, 2014) .. _`committee version response`: **Sample Response** .. code-block:: javascript { "success" : true, "message" : "", "responseType" : "committee", "result" : { "chamber" : "SENATE", // The chamber of this committee (SENATE or ASSEMBLY) "name" : "Finance", // The name of this committee "sessionYear" : 2013, // The session year of this committee version "referenceDate" : "2014-02-28T11:25:44", // The date and time that this configuration // of committee members was reported "reformed" : "2014-03-03T17:09:09", // The date and time that this configuration // of committee members was replaced // If null, then this is the current committee version "location" : "Room 124 CAP", // The location where this committee meets "meetDay" : "TUESDAY", // The day of the week that this committee meets "meetTime" : "11:00", // The time of day that this committee meets "meetAltWeek" : false, // True if this committee meets on alternate weeks "meetAltWeekText" : "", // Describes the committee's alternate schedule if applicable "committeeMembers" : { // A listing of members in this committee "items" : [ { "memberId" : 376, // An arbitrary unique id used to identify members // in our database "shortName" : "DEFRANCISCO", // The committee member's lbdc shortname "sessionYear" : 2013, // The session year this member was active in "fullName" : "John A. DeFrancisco", // The member's full name "districtCode" : 50, // A code designating the member's home district "sequenceNo" : 1, // The member's position in the list of committee members "title" : "CHAIR_PERSON" // The member's role in the committee // Valid roles include: // "CHAIR_PERSON", "VICE_CHAIR", and "MEMBER" }, ... ], "size" : 24 } } } Get committee history --------------------- **Usage** :: /api/3/committees/{session}/{chamber}/{committeeName}/history .. _comm-history-params: **Optional Params** +-----------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Parameter | Values | Description | +===========+=========+=============================================================================================+ | full | boolean | (default false) Set to true to see the full committee responses instead of the summaries. | +-----------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | limit | string | (default 50) Limit the number of results | +-----------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | offset | number | (default 1) Start results from offset | +-----------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | order | string | (default 'DESC') Determines the order the committee responses. Sorted by created date. | +-----------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ **Example** :: /api/3/committees/2013/senate/Aging/history (Get 2013 history for the aging committee) /api/3/committees/2013/senate/Aging/history?limit=1&order=ASC&full=true (Get the first version of the Aging committee from 2013) Get all current committees -------------------------- **Usage** :: /api/3/committees/{session}/{chamber} **Optional Params** +-----------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Parameter | Values | Description | +===========+=========+=============================================================================================+ | full | boolean | (default false) Set to true to get full committee responses instead of summaries. | +-----------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ **Example** :: /api/3/committees/2013/senate?&full=true (Get full responses for all current senate committees for session 2013) Search for committees --------------------- Read our :doc:`search API docs` for info on how to construct search terms. The committee search index is comprised of full committee responses (i.e. the json response returned when requesting a single committee) so query and sort strings will be based on that response structure. **Usage** Search across all session years :: (GET) /api/3/committees/search?term=YOUR_TERM Search within a session year :: (GET) /api/3/committees/{sessionYear}/search?term=YOUR_TERM **Required Params** +-----------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | Parameter | Values | Description | +===========+====================+========================================================+ | term | string | :ref:`ElasticSearch query string` | +-----------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ **Optional Params** +--------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Parameter | Values | Description | +==============+====================+=================================================================================+ | sort | string | :ref:`ElasticSearch sort string` | +--------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | current | boolean | (default true) Searches only current committee versions if true | +--------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Also takes all :ref:`committee history optional params` with the exception of order